Getflowers-webshopThe Online Shop for Florists all over the World. Order your quality Dutch flowers and potplants here! Prices are updated 2 times a week. Monday and Thursday about 17:00 Dutch timeThe aim of Getflowers Online is to provide a real-time, virtual and up-to-the-minute overview of the product availability in Getflowers webshop. Getflowers making it possible for florists to order product off their favourite grower.
Producten en diensten:
flowers Get-flowers potplants foliage driedflowers decorations Flowers & plants from Holland Direct delivery to your shop We deliver in the U.K. and Europe ALSTOEMERIA | AMARYLLIS | ANTHURIUM | CALLA | CHRYSANTHENUM | CYMBIDIUM~ORCHIDS | GREENFOLIAGE | HYDRANGEA | LILY | FLOWERS A-E | OTHER FLOWERS F-K | OTHER FLOWERS L -Z | ROSE BIG HEAD A-K | ROSE BIG HEAD L-Z | ROSE SMALL HEAD | ROSES SPRAY | TULIPS
Wij staan open voor open sollicitaties.